Tuesday, March 29, 2011


West of Berkeley, near the SF Bay, is a  Target store which I visited to find a kitchen garbage pail that didn't cost a ridiculous amount of money.

The most frustrating aspect of this store was figuring out how to get into the parking lot.  I could see the big red Target bullseye on the side of the store from a distance, and I tried to use that as a, well, target to reach the store. But the first few roads I used brought me to dead ends or other places where it was inconvenient to park, and I kept having to turn around and try another route.  I think it took me half an hour to locate the entrance to the Target parking lot, since the entrance is not well-lit at all (you can tell from the photo that I visited in the evening).

The most (only?) interesting part of the inside of the store is the shopping cart escalator (technically called a Vermaport), which is shown in the next photo.

Since the garbage pails were being sold on the 2nd floor, I sent my cart up and met it at the top. Hello, cart:

After finding my garbage pail I sent it in the cart back down:

This is not exactly new technology, even if it was new to me, so I consider this to be my George Bush supermarket scanner moment (well, perhaps not quite).

Reviews of this Target store can be read on Yelp here and they are generally positive. The website Yelp is something else I had not known about before coming to Berkeley.

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